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Rebecca Bondü
(R Bondü)
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2018-2024
Publications (10 Years): 11
Top Topics
Alcohol Consumption
Early Life
Mental Illness
Psychometric Properties
Top Venues
Archives of sexual behavior
Journal of family psychology : JFP : journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43)
Journal of sex research
The International journal of eating disorders
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Joseph Bernhard Birke
Patrick Jern
Ada Johansson
Rebecca Bondü
Links between Aggressive Sexual Fantasies and Sexual Coercion: A Replication and Extension of a Multifactorial Model.
Archives of sexual behavior
Joseph Bernhard Birke
Patrick Jern
Ada Johansson
Rebecca Bondü
Links between Aggressive Sexual Fantasies and Sexual Coercion: A Replication and Extension of a Multifactorial Model.
Archives of sexual behavior
53 (3) (2024)
Joseph Bernhard Birke
Patrick Jern
Ada Johansson
Rebecca Bondü
Links between Aggressive Sexual Fantasies and Sexual Coercion: A Replication and Extension of a Multifactorial Model.
Archives of sexual behavior
53 (3) (2024)
Joseph Bernhard Birke
Patrick Jern
Ada Johansson
Rebecca Bondü
Links between Aggressive Sexual Fantasies and Sexual Coercion: A Replication and Extension of a Multifactorial Model.
Archives of sexual behavior
53 (3) (2024)
Joseph Bernhard Birke
Patrick Jern
Ada Johansson
Rebecca Bondü
Links between Aggressive Sexual Fantasies and Sexual Coercion: A Replication and Extension of a Multifactorial Model.
Archives of sexual behavior
53 (3) (2024)
Petra Warschburger
Michaela Silvia Gmeiner
Rebecca Bondü
Annette M Klein
Robert Busching
Birgit Elsner
Self-regulation as a resource for coping with developmental challenges during middle childhood and adolescence: the prospective longitudinal PIER YOUTH -study.
BMC psychology
11 (1) (2023)
Joseph Bernhard Birke
Rebecca Bondü
From Fantasy to Reality: Self-Reported Aggression-Related Sexual Fantasies Predict Sexually Sadistic Behavior beyond Indirect and Direct Measures of Sexual Preference.
Journal of sex research
Sophie Strauß
Rebecca Bondü
Links between justice sensitivity and moral reasoning, moral emotions, and moral identity in middle childhood.
Child development
Nina Richter
Rebecca Bondü
Gisela Trommsdorff
Linking transition to motherhood to parenting, children's emotion regulation, and life satisfaction: A longitudinal study.
Journal of family psychology : JFP : journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43)
Rebecca Bondü
Ayten Bilgin
Petra Warschburger
Justice sensitivity and rejection sensitivity as predictors and outcomes of eating disorder pathology: A 5-year longitudinal study.
The International journal of eating disorders
53 (6) (2020)
Rebecca Bondü
Is bad intent negligible? Linking victim justice sensitivity, hostile attribution bias, and aggression.
Aggressive behavior