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Ti Hsu
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2020-2023
Publications (10 Years): 9
Top Topics
Randomized Controlled Trial
Physical Activity
Working Memory
Low Cost
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Journal of contextual behavioral science
Psychological assessment
Psychology & health
JMIR mental health
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Ti Hsu
Lesa Hoffman
Emily Brenny Kroska Thomas
Confirmatory measurement modeling and longitudinal invariance of the CompACT-15: A short-form assessment of psychological flexibility.
Psychological assessment
Ti Hsu
Emily Brenny Kroska Thomas
Emma K Welch
Michael W O'Hara
Jennifer E McCabe
Examining the Structure of Distress Tolerance: Are Behavioral and Self-Report Indicators Assessing the Same Construct?
Journal of contextual behavioral science
27 (2023)
Ti Hsu
Emily Brenny Kroska Thomas
Emma K Welch
Michael W O'Hara
Jennifer E McCabe
Examining the Structure of Distress Tolerance: Are Behavioral and Self-Report Indicators Assessing the Same Construct?
Journal of contextual behavioral science
27 (2023)
Ti Hsu
Lesa Hoffman
Emily Brenny Kroska Thomas
Confirmatory measurement modeling and longitudinal invariance of the CompACT-15: A short-form assessment of psychological flexibility.
Psychological assessment
Cara L Solness
Paul J Holdefer
Ti Hsu
Emily Brenny Kroska Thomas
Michael W O'Hara
Relationship Factors in Internet-Delivered Psychological Interventions for Veterans Experiencing Postpartum Depression: Qualitative Analysis.
JMIR mental health
10 (2023)
Ti Hsu
Emily Brenny Kroska Thomas
Emma K Welch
Michael W O'Hara
Jennifer E McCabe
Examining the Structure of Distress Tolerance: Are Behavioral and Self-Report Indicators Assessing the Same Construct?
Journal of contextual behavioral science
27 (2023)
Savannah B Simpson
Ti Hsu
Elizabeth B Raposa
Trajectories and impact of White mentors' beliefs about racial and ethnic discrimination in a formal youth mentoring program.
American journal of community psychology
Savannah B Simpson
Ti Hsu
Lesa Hoffman
Elizabeth B Raposa
A Cross-Cultural Examination of the Role of Youth Emotion Regulation in Mentoring Relationships.
Prevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research
23 (8) (2022)
Ti Hsu
Elizabeth B Raposa
Effects of stress on eating behaviours in adolescents: a daily diary investigation.
Psychology & health
36 (2) (2020)