- Chung-Ying Lin
- Cheng-Fang Yen
- Miranda Olff
- Joseph Tak Fai Lau
- Michael J Zvolensky PhD
- Mark D Griffiths
- André Hajek
- Johnson Zixin Wang
- Muhammad T
- Philip Hyland
- Richard A Bryant
- Tinakon Wongpakaran
- Nahathai Wongpakaran
- Negar Fani
- Filipe Manuel Clemente
- Murray B Stein
- Hans-Helmut König
- Carol E Franz
- Renato Polimanti
- Seth G Disner
- Scott R Sponheim
- Carmen Helen Logie
- Thanos Karatzias
- Murat Yıldırım
- William S Kremen
- Souheil Allit
- Jonathan I Bisson
- Jennifer S Steven
- Andrew Steptoe
- Ronald C Kessler
- Soraya Seedat
- Maria da Graça Pereira
- Catherine E Burnette
- Ibrahim A Elshaer
- Eileen K Graham
- Pamela Qualter
- Aleksandra Maria Rogowska
- Amit Lazarov
- Cristiano Scandurra
- International journal of environmental research and public health
- PloS one
- Frontiers in psychology
- Journal of affective disorders
- Scientific reports
- Social science & medicine (1982)
- Frontiers in public health
- BMC public health
- Frontiers in psychiatry
- Psychiatry research
- Heliyon
- Journal of traumatic stress
- Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland)
- BMJ open
- BMC psychiatry
- Psychological reports
- Behavioral sciences (Basel, Switzerland)
- AIDS care
- AIDS and behavior
- Journal of psychiatric research
- Journal of interpersonal violence
- Cureus
- Addictive behaviors
- European journal of psychotraumatology
- Aging & mental health
- Nutrients
- Journal of advanced nursing
- BMC health services research
- The Journal of nervous and mental disease
- The Journal of applied psychology
- Journal of health psychology
- Journal of psychosomatic research
- Journal of youth and adolescence
- The Science of the total environment
- Journal of personality and social psychology
- Vision research
- Perceptual and motor skills
- Appetite
- Psycho-oncology
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