The #SeePainMoreClearly Phase II Pain in Dementia Social Media Campaign: Implementation and Evaluation Study.
Louise I R CastilloVivian TranMary BrachaniecChristine T ChambersKelly ChessieAlec CourosAndre LeRuyetCharmayne LeRuyetLilian ThorpeJaime WilliamsSara WheelwrightThomas HadjistavropoulosPublished in: JMIR aging (2024)
In this investigation, we demonstrated success in directing knowledge users to a resource website with practical information that health professionals could use in patient care along with pain assessment and management information for caregivers and people living with dementia. The evaluation metrics suggested no considerable differences between our pilot campaign and broader initiative when accounting for the length of time of each initiative. The limitations of large-scale health campaigns were noted, and recommendations were outlined for other researchers aiming to leverage social media as a knowledge mobilization tool.