Balance and proprioception responses to FIFA 11+ in amateur futsal players: Short and long-term effects.

Mário LopesSusana LopesTelma PatinhaFábio Azevedo AraújoMário RodriguesRui CostaJose OliveiraFernando Ribeiro
Published in: Journal of sports sciences (2019)
Background: The FIFA 11+ has shown positive effects on balance and proprioception parameters in football players. As there have been very few research studies involving futsal, we examined the short and long term effects of the FIFA 11+ on static and dynamic balance, as well as proprioception in male amateur futsal players. Methods: Seventy-one male futsal players were randomized to two groups (FIFA 11+: n = 37, age: 27.33 ± 4.33 years; Control: n = 34, age: 25.55 ± 4.65 years). Intervention lasted 10 weeks, 2 sessions per week, succeeded by a 10-week follow-up period. For balance testing, we assessed the single-legged postural sway with a force platform (static balance) and the Y balance test (dynamic balance). Proprioception was assessed with active joint position sense testing. Results: Complete pre-post intervention and follow-up tests were available for 61 players. The FIFA 11+ group showed higher training exposure and lower body mass index and body weight. After adjustment for baseline differences, no significant differences between groups were observed in the pre-post changes for centre of pressure measures, Y-balance and proprioception parameters both at short and long-term. Conclusions: Performing FIFA 11+ for 10 weeks did not improve static and dynamic balance as well as proprioception in amateur futsal players.