Roadway incidents involving farm equipment is a growing area of concern among agricultural safety and health and public health professionals. The aim of this project was to evaluate the usefulness of the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) and analyze the number of roadway fatal incidents that involve farm equipment. Data collected from the FARS through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration was used to summarize roadway incidents involving farm equipment. Cases from five midwestern states were analyzed from January to December 2020 using SPSS. Incidents involving farm equipment resulted in 25 cases with Iowa, Michigan, and Wisconsin all reporting six cases each. The most common manner of incidents were single-vehicle crashes and rear-ending incidents. Most of the events occurred during busy agricultural seasons, most often occurring in June and August with five cases each. The FARS dataset is a useful tool to identify cases, but it faces limitations, such as only reporting fatalities and lack of information on specific farm equipment involved in incidents. The results from the study are helpful to better understand roadway incidents and guide future intervention strategies.