The eyes are one of the most important sensory organs in the human body. Currently, diseases such as limbal stem cell deficiency, cataract, retinitis pigmentosa and dry eye seriously threaten the quality of people's lives, and the treatment of advanced blinding eye disease and dry eye is ineffective and costly. Thus, new treatment modalities are urgently needed to improve patients' symptoms and suffering. In recent years, stem cell-derived three-dimensional structural organoids have been shown to mimic specific structures and functions similar to those of organs in the human body. Currently, 3D culture systems are used to construct organoids for different ocular growth and development models and ocular disease models to explore their physiological and pathological mechanisms. Eye organoids can also be used as a platform for drug screening. This paper reviews the latest research progress in regard to eye organoids (the cornea, lens, retina, lacrimal gland, and conjunctiva).