Measurement of Basal Neurotransmitter Levels Using Convolution-Based Nonfaradaic Current Removal.
Justin A JohnsonNathan T RodebergR Mark WightmanPublished in: Analytical chemistry (2018)
Fast-scan cyclic voltammetry permits robust subsecond measurements of in vivo neurotransmitter dynamics, resulting in its established use in elucidating these species' roles in the actions of behaving animals. However, the technique's limitations, namely the need for digital background subtraction for analytical signal resolution, have restricted the information obtainable largely to that about phasic neurotransmitter release on the second-to-minute time scale. The study of basal levels of neurotransmitters and their dynamics requires a means of isolating the portion of the background current arising from neurotransmitter redox reactions. Previously, we reported on the use of a convolution-based method for prediction of the resistive-capacitive portion of the carbon-fiber microelectrode background signal, to improve the information content of background-subtracted data. Here we evaluated this approach for direct analytical signal isolation. First, protocol modifications (i.e., applied waveform and carbon-fiber type) were optimized to permit simplification of the interfering background current to components that are convolution-predictable. It was found that the use of holding potentials of at least 0.0 V, as well as the use of pitch-based carbon fibers, improved the agreement between convolution predictions and the observed background. Subsequently, it was shown that measurements of basal dopamine concentrations are possible with careful control of the electrode state. Successful use of this approach for measurement of in vivo basal dopamine levels is demonstrated, suggesting the approach may serve as a useful tool in expanding the capabilities of fast-scan cyclic voltammetry.