An Experimental Investigation to Use the Biodiesel Resulting from Recycled Sunflower Oil, and Sunflower Oil with Palm Oil as Fuels for Aviation Turbo-Engines.
Grigore CicanMarius DeaconuRadu MireaLaurentiu Constantin CeatraMihaiella CretuPublished in: International journal of environmental research and public health (2021)
The paper is presenting the experimental analysis of the use of biodiesel from waste sunflower oil and a blend of sunflower oil with palm oil as fuel for aviation turbo-engines. A comparative analysis for fuel mixtures made of Jet A + 5% Aeroshell 500 Oil (Ke) with 10%, 30%, and 50% for each bio-fuel type has been performed and Ke has been used as reference. Firstly, the following physical and chemical properties were determined: density, viscosity, flash point, freezing point, calorific power. Then, elemental analysis and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis were conducted for Ke, biodiesel obtained from recycled sunflower oil (SF), biodiesel obtained from blending recycled sunflower oil, and recycled palm oil (SFP), and for each fuel blend. Secondly, experimental tests of the blends have been conducted on the Jet Cat P80® micro-turbo engine (Gunt Hamburg, Barsbüttel, Germany). The tests have been conducted at different engine working regimes as follows: idle, cruise, intermediate, and maximum. For each regime, a one-minute testing period was chosen, and the engine parameters have been monitored. The turbo engine instrumentation recorded the temperature after the compressor and before the turbine, the fuel consumption and air flow, pressure inside the combustion chamber, and generated thrust. The burning efficiency and the specific consumption have been calculated for all four above-mentioned regimes and for all fuel blends. Two accelerometers have been installed on the engine's support to register radial and axial vibrations allowing the assessment of engine stability.