- David Julian McClements
- José Manuel Lorenzo Rodriguez
- Maria do Rosário M Domingues
- Nam-Joon Cho
- Lillian Barros
- Wen-Jun Li
- Oliver Fiehn
- Philip C Calder
- Wonpil Im
- Amir Hossein Sahebkar
- Angelo D'Alessandro
- Joshua A Jackman
- Chalong Wachirapakorn
- Graeme Milligan
- Asuka Inoue
- Andrew T Chan
- Juan J Loor
- Albert Koulman
- Eliana Barbosa Souto
- Bruce D Hammock
- Neal K Devaraj
- Carla Ferreri
- Robert K Ernst
- Tian-Tian Zhang
- Liang Guo
- Dmitry Kurouski
- Guido Kroemer
- Jordi Salas Salvadó
- Isabel Cristina Fernandes Rodrigues Ferreira
- Martin A Giera
- Mohamed Ali Farag
- You-Lin Tain
- Ruben Domínguez
- Santiago Pedro Aubourg
- Matthias Bernd Schulze
- Patrice D Cani
- Patrick C N Rensen
- Maria Beatriz Prior Pinto Oliveira
- Jeffery B Klauda
- Biochimica et biophysica acta
- The Journal of biological chemistry
- Scientific reports
- PloS one
- International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology
- International journal of molecular sciences
- Nutrients
- Journal of lipid research
- Journal of agricultural and food chemistry
- Biochemistry
- Biochemical and biophysical research communications
- Lipids
- Journal of dairy science
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
- Food chemistry
- Bioresource technology
- The Biochemical journal
- Molecules (Basel, Switzerland)
- Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids
- The Journal of nutrition
- Foods (Basel, Switzerland)
- The American journal of clinical nutrition
- Biophysical journal
- The Science of the total environment
- International journal of biological macromolecules
- The British journal of nutrition
- Journal of animal science
- Nature communications
- FEBS letters
- Chemosphere
- Poultry science
- Meat science
- Metabolism: clinical and experimental
- Animals : an open access journal from MDPI
- Atherosclerosis
- Archives of biochemistry and biophysics
- The American journal of physiology
- Food & function
- Journal of bacteriology
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