Evaluation of paediatric palliative care ambulance plans: A retrospective study.
Julianna WanAngela VaughanElizabeth ShepherdSandra CoombsSusan TrethewieTiina JaanistePublished in: Journal of child health care : for professionals working with children in the hospital and community (2024)
Paediatric Palliative Care Ambulance Plans ('Plans') are used by New South Wales Ambulance (Australia) to support the care needs of children with life-limiting conditions. We aimed to describe the population of children with Plans and provide details regarding Plan completion, paramedic responses during ambulance callouts, and correspondence between Plan recommendations and paramedic responses. Plans lodged in January 2017-December 2019 were retrospectively coded for demographic information, completeness and care preferences. Associated paramedic callout notes (January 2018-December 2019) were coded for paramedic responses. Of 141 Plans retrieved, 38 (41.3% of those providing suggested medications) suggested medication use outside general paramedic scope of practice. Of 199 associated ambulance callouts, reasons for callout included symptom management, planned transfer, death notification and end-of-life care. Over two-thirds of callouts ( n = 135, 67.8%) occurred after-hours. Most paramedic callouts ( n = 124, 62.3%), excluding planned transfers, resulted in children being transported. Paramedic interventions corresponded with interventions suggested in Plans. However, only 24 (25.3%) of paramedic callout notes documented Plans being sighted. This study provided detailed information about children with palliative care needs for whom Plans were being used, the nature of these Plans and associated paramedic callouts. However, it is not known how paramedics were influenced by Plans.