Modeling maladaptive personality traits with unipolar item response theory: The case of Callousness.
Fàbia Morales-VivesPere J FerrandoAna Hernández-DoradoPublished in: The Journal of general psychology (2024)
Most IRT applications in personality assume that the measured trait is a bipolar dimension, normally distributed in the population. These assumptions, however, could be questionable for maladaptive, (quasi) pathological traits that still fall in the normal range. This study focuses on one such trait, Callousness, and uses two different instruments and samples to determine whether there is a basis for modeling it as a unipolar trait instead of a bipolar one. More specifically, the following community samples were used, recruited in several Spanish high schools: a) 719 adolescents (13-19 years old, 55.8% girls), b) 681 adolescents (13-19 years old, 44.9% girls). Callousness was assessed with the Inventory of Callous-unemotional traits and Antisocial behavior in the first sample and with the Inventory of Callous Unemotional traits in the second sample. We compared the outcomes of fitting the Graded-Response model (a bipolar-trait model) and the Log-Logistic model (a unipolar trait model) in these community samples and found that they differed considerably at the scoring level. In terms of accuracy, the conditional reliability functions had opposite patterns: it was maximum at high levels in the Graded-Response model and at low levels in the Log-Logistic model. In terms of validity, the models showed different results regarding the prediction of indirect aggressiveness and non-planning impulsiveness.