Is Serum Uric Acid Level Associated with Disease Activity in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients.

Dalal AlkhudirAdeeba Al-HerzKhulood SalehAdel AlawadhiWaleed AlkandariEman HasanKhaled MokaddemAqeel GhanemYoussef Attia BartellaMohammed HussainNaser AlHadhoodYaser M AliEbrahim NaharAhmad AleniziAli AlDeiFatemah AbutibanSawsan HayatHussain BehbehaniFatemah BaronHebah AlhajeriAmjad AlkadiAhmed Alsaber
Published in: Open access rheumatology : research and reviews (2023)
RA patients with a higher UA had a lower disease activity despite using similar antirheumatic drugs. The reasons behind this association need to be further studied.