The Collaborative Research Center for American Indian Health (CRCAIH) is a transdisciplinary, collaborative center focused on building American Indian tribal research infrastructure. Funded by the National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities in 2012, it was created as a platform to join tribal communities and researchers in South Dakota, North Dakota, and Minnesota to develop research infrastructure and stimulate research in American Indian health. The CRCAIH infrastructure has created a large network of transdisciplinary research partnerships. To understand the initial development of the CRCAIH network and understand the broader impact it has had on American Indian and Alaska Native health research, CRCAIH undertook a network analysis based on publications by collaborators working with and within CRCAIH. The network analysis showed how far the CRCAIH network went in a short period of time to create a platform for networking to build collaborations and further stimulate research with American Indian communities.