Feasibility and efficacy of the Vojta therapy in subacromial impingement syndrome: a randomized controlled trial.

María Lidia Juárez-AlbuixechOlga Redondo-GonzálezInmaculada Tello-Díaz-MarotoJorge Lucas Torres de la GuíaJorge Hugo VillafañeCarmen Jiménez-Antona
Published in: Journal of exercise rehabilitation (2021)
Subacromial impingement syndrome (IS) is a common disorder associated with functional impairment and disability of the shoulder. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of Vojta therapy (VT) techniques compared with standard therapy (ST) in patients with subacromial IS. A randomized controlled trial was performed, with 60 patients with IS (mean age, 61±12 years) randomized into two groups: ST (n=30) and ST plus Vojta therapy (SVT, n=30). Both received 15 treatment sessions over 4 weeks. Outcome measures included pain intensity, functionality, joint range of motion (RoM), strength, and quality of life measurements. The efficacy of both treatments was analysed, both comparatively and separately, immediately after completion of treatment and after 3 months. After the intervention, both groups showed statistically significant differences in visual analogue scale (P=0.001), RoM (P<0.01), and strength (P<0.001), which were also seen 3 months after the intervention. SVT is more efficient in both the short and medium term in reducing pain, improving functionality, increasing articular RoM and strength, and offering a better quality of life in IS patients.