Proactive Control: Neural Oscillatory Correlates of Conflict Anticipation and Response Slowing.
Andrew ChangJaime S IdeHsin-Hung LiChien-Chung ChenChiang-Shan Ray LiPublished in: eNeuro (2017)
Proactive control allows us to anticipate environmental changes and adjust behavioral strategy. In the laboratory, investigators have used a number of different behavioral paradigms, including the stop-signal task (SST), to examine the neural processes of proactive control. Previous functional MRI studies of the SST have demonstrated regional responses to conflict anticipation-the likelihood of a stop signal or P(stop) as estimated by a Bayesian model-and reaction time (RT) slowing and how these responses are interrelated. Here, in an electrophysiological study, we investigated the time-frequency domain substrates of proactive control. The results showed that conflict anticipation as indexed by P(stop) was positively correlated with the power in low-theta band (3-5 Hz) in the fixation (trial onset)-locked interval, and go-RT was negatively correlated with the power in delta-theta band (2-8 Hz) in the go-locked interval. Stimulus prediction error was positively correlated with the power in the low-beta band (12-22 Hz) in the stop-locked interval. Further, the power of the P(stop) and go-RT clusters was negatively correlated, providing a mechanism relating conflict anticipation to RT slowing in the SST. Source reconstruction with beamformer localized these time-frequency activities close to brain regions as revealed by functional MRI in earlier work. These are the novel results to show oscillatory electrophysiological substrates in support of trial-by-trial behavioral adjustment for proactive control.