In this clinical study, we investigated the potential of melatonin (MT) supplementation in the freeze-thaw medium used for cryopreserved human oocytes. In total, 152 patients who underwent in vitro fertilization between January 2020 and December 2022 were included and categorized into different groups as follows: the donor group, comprising 108 patients who donated their oocytes, with 34 patients using a vitrification and warming medium supplemented with MT (D-MT subgroup) and 74 patients using conventional medium without MT (D-0 subgroup); and the autologous group, comprising 38 patients who used their own oocytes, with 19 patients using medium supplemented with MT (A-MT subgroup) and 19 patients using medium without MT (A-0 subgroup). After thawing, the surviving oocytes in the D-MT and A-MT subgroups and D-0 and A-0 subgroups were cultured in a fertilization media with and without 10 -9 MMT for 2.5 h, respectively, followed by intracytoplasmic sperm injection insemination, embryo culture, and transfer. The survival, cleavage, high-quality embryo, clinical pregnancy, ongoing pregnancy, and implantation rates were significantly higher in the D-MT subgroup than in the D-0 subgroup (all P < 0.05). Similarly, the survival, fertilization, high-quality embryo, and high-quality blastocyst rates were significantly higher in the A-MT subgroup than in the A-0 subgroup (all P < 0.05). These findings indicate that MT addition during cryopreservation can enhance the development of vitrified-warmed human oocytes and improve clinical outcomes.