A Genome-Wide Screen for the Exonisation of Reference SINE-VNTR-Alus and Their Expression in CNS Tissues of Individuals with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
Abigail L PfaffVivien J BubbJohn P QuinnSulev KõksPublished in: International journal of molecular sciences (2023)
The hominid-specific retrotransposon SINE-VNTR-Alu (SVA) is a composite element that has contributed to the genetic variation between individuals and influenced genomic structure and function. SVAs are involved in modulating gene expression and splicing patterns, altering mRNA levels and sequences, and have been associated with the development of disease. We evaluated the genome-wide effects of SVAs present in the reference genome on transcript sequence and expression in the CNS of individuals with and without the neurodegenerative disorder Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). This study identified SVAs in the exons of 179 known transcripts, several of which were expressed in a tissue-specific manner, as well as 92 novel exonisation events occurring in the motor cortex. An analysis of 65 reference genome SVAs polymorphic for their presence/absence in the ALS consortium cohort did not identify any elements that were significantly associated with disease status, age at onset, and survival. However, there were transcripts, such as transferrin and HLA-A , that were differentially expressed between those with or without disease, and expression levels were associated with the genotype of proximal SVAs. This study demonstrates the functional consequences of several SVA elements altering mRNA splicing patterns and expression levels in tissues of the CNS.