- Chiao-Wen Lin
- Mohammad Taheri
- Salvatore Cuzzocrea
- Ronald Simon
- Young Hyun Choi
- Behzad Baradaran
- Udo Jeschke
- Young-Jin Son
- Chih-Hsin Tang
- Michael Hsiao
- Katarina Vukojević
- Vladimir Tolmachev
- Yi-Hsien Hsieh
- Daisuke Okuzaki
- Aristotelis Tsirigos
- Rosalba Siracusa
- Roberta Fusco
- Anna Orlova
- Rosanna Di Paola
- Ramona D'amico
- Marika Cordaro
- Chih-Yang Huang
- Howard Y Chang
- Ioana Berindan Neagoe
- Luigi Daniele Notarangelo
- Angelo D'Alessandro
- Carmen Jerónimo
- Natalija Filipovic
- Yeong Shik Kim
- Manal S Fawzy
- Sung-Hoon Kim
- Didier Y R Stainier
- Daniela Impellizzeri
- Guido Kroemer
- Zhangjun Fei
- Yukinari Kato
- Amir Hossein Sahebkar
- Xin-Yuan Guan
- Eman Ali Toraih
- PloS one
- The Journal of biological chemistry
- International journal of molecular sciences
- Scientific reports
- Biochemical and biophysical research communications
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
- Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)
- Cancer research
- Oncogene
- Oncotarget
- Blood
- Frontiers in immunology
- Gene
- Journal of virology
- Nature communications
- Journal of bacteriology
- Molecular medicine reports
- Oncology letters
- Oncology reports
- Cancers
- International journal of cancer
- Molecular and cellular biology
- The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
- Endocrinology
- Cells
- Nucleic acids research
- Cell death & disease
- Development (Cambridge, England)
- Biochimica et biophysica acta
- Brain research
- Frontiers in plant science
- Fish & shellfish immunology
- International journal of oncology
- Frontiers in oncology
- Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)
- Neuroscience
- Cancer letters
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