Exercise-Based Muscle Development Programmes and Their Effectiveness in the Functional Recovery of Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy: A Systematic Review.

Juan G Dominguez-RomeroJose Jesús Jiménez-RejanoCarmen Ridao-FernándezGema Chamorro-Moriana
Published in: Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland) (2021)
(1) Background: Rotator cuff (RC) tendinopathy causes pain and functional limitation of the shoulder. Physical exercises are effective therapies but there is no consensus on which exercise programme is the most appropriate. Objective: To analyze and compare the effectiveness of different intervention modalities-based exclusively on physical exercise muscle-development programs to improve shoulder pain and function in RC tendinopathy. (2) Methods: Systematic review (PRISMA) through a search in PubMed, WOS, PEDro, Cinahl, Scopus and Dialnet. The PEDro Scale and the Cochrane Risk of Bias analyzed the methodological quality. A pre-established table collected data on: patients, interventions, outcome measures and results. A narrative synthesis of the results was conducted. (3) Results: eight articles were selected (Cochrane: low risk of bias; PEDro: good quality). All assessed programs were effective. Only one study found statistically and clinically significant differences in favour of eccentric training. The exercises used were: eccentric/concentric/conventional, open/closed kinetic chain, with/without co-activation of glenohumeral muscle, with/without pain, and in clinic/at home. (4) Conclusions: All exercise programs were effective in RC tendinopathy, improving pain and shoulder function. No solid results were obtained when the interventions were compared due to their heterogeneity. Patients perception assessment tools were the most widely used. Amount of load applied should be considered.