Relations of Parental Acceptance-Rejection and Psychological (Mal)Adjustment with Forgiveness and Vengeance among Bangladeshi Young Adults.

Tasnuva T MullickMuhammad K Uddin
Published in: The Journal of genetic psychology (2024)
The study investigated whether adults' memories of parental acceptance-rejection in childhood predict their current levels of forgiveness and vengeance as mediated by psychological (mal)adjustment. The data were collected from 252 young adults (Women = 137, Men = 115, Age range = 18 - 22 years; M age = 19.42; SD  = 0.99). Measures used were the Adult Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire (PARQ) short form for fathers and mothers, the Adult Personality Assessment Questionnaire (PAQ) short form for adults, the Heartland Forgiveness Scale (HFS), the Vengeance Scale (VS-10), and the Personal Information Form. Mediation analysis indicated that memories of maternal and paternal rejection predicted vengeance as mediated by psychological maladjustment among both men and women. Further, women's and men's memories of parental (both maternal and paternal) acceptance predicted forgiveness as mediated by psychological adjustment.