Efficient estimation of bounded gradient-drift diffusion models for affect on CPU and GPU.
Tim LoossensKristof MeersNiels VanhasbroeckNil AnaratStijn VerdonckFrancis TuerlinckxPublished in: Behavior research methods (2021)
Computational modeling plays an important role in a gamut of research fields. In affect research, continuous-time stochastic models are becoming increasingly popular. Recently, a non-linear, continuous-time, stochastic model has been introduced for affect dynamics, called the Affective Ising Model (AIM). The drawback of non-linear models like the AIM is that they generally come with serious computational challenges for parameter estimation and related statistical analyses. The likelihood function of the AIM does not have a closed form expression. Consequently, simulation based or numerical methods have to be considered in order to evaluate the likelihood function. Additionally, the likelihood function can have multiple local minima. Consequently, a global optimization heuristic is required and such heuristics generally require a large number of likelihood function evaluations. In this paper, a Julia software package is introduced that is dedicated to fitting the AIM. The package includes an implementation of a numeric algorithm for fast computations of the likelihood function, which can be run both on graphics processing units (GPU) and central processing units (CPU). The numerical method introduced in this paper is compared to the more traditional Euler-Maruyama method for solving stochastic differential equations. Furthermore, the estimation software is tested by means of a recovery study and estimation times are reported for benchmarks that were run on several computing devices (two different GPUs and three different CPUs). According to these results, a single parameter estimation can be obtained in less than thirty seconds using a mainstream NVIDIA GPU.