Core components of project-based intervention after acquired brain injury: Delivering meaningful groups online.
Nicholas BehnJerry HoepnerPeter MeulenbroekMelissa CapoJulie HartPublished in: International journal of language & communication disorders (2022)
What is already known on the subject Project-based interventions have the potential to improve cognitive, self-regulatory, behavioural and social communication skills, renegotiate identity and reaffirm sense of self, providing a positive impact on quality of life for persons with acquired brain injuries. Projects serve as a context for meaningful engagement for individuals in the chronic phase of traumatic brain injury recovery, without fulfilling work, family or social responsibilities. However, most published research has involved in-person projects and few projects have been delivered via telehealth. What this paper adds to existing knowledge While past published works have shared core principles of intervention, a variety of projects, durations, dosages and methods have been employed. The current paper provides a framework to support more consistent implementation. By mapping previous project-based interventions to the RTSS, clinicians will have a better understanding of the aims, targets, ingredients and theoretical underpinnings of project-based interventions. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the shift to telehealth moved interventions to a virtual context. The four case projects in this paper demonstrate that it is possible to conduct project-based interventions via telehealth and provides a clear description to guide clinicians in their delivery. What are the potential or actual clinical implications of this work? This work begins to build the foundation for more rigorous, empirical examination of project-based interventions. By mapping project-based interventions to the RTSS, core aims, targets and ingredients are established that can be objectively examined. This investigation also provides a road map for clinicians who wish to implement this complex intervention.