Epidemiology of Exobasidium Leaf and Fruit Spot of Rabbiteye Blueberry: Pathogen Overwintering, Primary Infection, and Disease Progression on Leaves and Fruit.
R J IngramH D LudwigHarald SchermPublished in: Plant disease (2019)
Epidemiological field studies utilizing disease monitoring, spore trapping, and trap plants were conducted on rabbiteye blueberry (Vaccinium virgatum) between 2014 and 2017 to shed light on the epidemiology of Exobasidium leaf and fruit spot, an emerging disease in the southeastern United States caused by the fungus Exobasidium maculosum. Wash plating of field-collected blueberry tissue from the late dormant season through bud expansion showed that the pathogen overwintered epiphytically on blueberry plants in the field, most likely in its yeast-like conidial stage. Agrichemical applications during the dormant season altered epiphytic populations of the pathogen, which correlated directly with leaf spot incidence later in the spring. Disease monitoring of field plants and weekly exposure of potted trap plants revealed that young leaves at the mouse-ear stage were most susceptible to infection, that disease incidence on leaves progressed monocyclically, and that infection periods were associated with rainfall variables such as the number of days per week with ≥1.0 mm of rain or cumulative weekly rainfall. Weekly spore trapping with an Andersen sampler showed that airborne inoculum was detected only after sporulating leaf lesions producing basidiospores were present in the field, suggesting that the primary inoculum is not airborne. The first symptoms on young, green fruit were observed soon after petal fall (requiring removal of the waxy fruit layer to visualize lesions), and visible disease progress on fruit was delayed by 1 to 3 weeks relative to that on leaves. Fruit infection of field plants and trap plants occurred before airborne propagules were detected by spore trapping and before sporulating leaf lesions were present in the field. Hence, this study showed that fruit infections are initiated by the same initial inoculum as leaf infections but it was not possible to conclusively exclude the possibility of a contribution of basidiospore inoculum from leaf lesions to disease progress on later developing fruit. This is one of only a few studies addressing the epidemiology and disease cycle of an Exobasidium sp. in a pathosystem where artificial inoculation has not been possible to date.