Purpose : The purpose of this study was to investigate variables associated with difficulty disclosing past trauma. Across several prevalence studies, 26% of adults never disclosed childhood abuse until adulthood when they were asked in a research survey or interview question. In this Institutional Review Board approved study, group differences were examined (ability and inability to disclose a traumatic event) as well as predictors for difficulty disclosing past trauma. Method : A non-clinical population ( N = 693) was examined to determine prevalence rates and group differences between participants unable to tell someone about a past traumatic event (10%) compared to those who could disclose past traumatic events (90%). Variables included pathological dissociative processing, internalized shame, coping strategies (task, emotion, avoidance), and cumulative trauma exposure. Logistic regression analyses were conducted to determine predicting variables for disclosure difficulties. Findings : The group that had difficulty disclosing a past traumatic event had more cumulative trauma, pathological dissociative processing, emotion-oriented coping, and shame. In the first logistic regression analyses, interpersonal traumatic events were predictors for the inability to disclose a traumatic event (classified 90% of group membership). In the second logistic regression, shame and cumulative traumatic exposure were predicting factors (classified 90% of group membership). Conclusion : Difficulty speaking about a traumatic event was associated with interpersonal adult and childhood traumatic events, more internalized shame, and cumulative trauma exposure. It is recommended that clinicians working with patients with substantial traumatic exposure address shame, pathological dissociative processing, and emotion-oriented coping strategies if they detect trauma disclosure difficulties.