Genetic diversity and population structure of Polistes nimpha based on DNA microsatellite markers.
K B KozyraI MelosikE BaraniakPublished in: Insectes sociaux (2015)
The Eurasiatic Polistes nimpha belongs to primitively eusocial wasps for which no data are available on its population's genetic structure and relatedness/relationships of individuals. The purpose of this research is to determine the amplification efficiency in P. nimpha of microsatellite primers developed for P. dominula and using these primers, to explore genetic diversity, population structure and relatedness/relationship of P. nimpha in the context of its reproductive options. Eight out of twelve microsatellite markers analyzed on 59 individuals (pupae and larvae) were polymorphic (mean PIC = 0.545) and mutated following the stepwise mutation model. The Bayesian clustering method gave the probability of >0.898 of there being 10 clusters within the pooled sample of 15 nests. In two or three nest clusters, full- and/or half-siblings and unrelated individuals occurred. A significant correlation between genetic and geographic distances was detected. There are three main possibilities that come into play to explain our genetic results and direct field observations: cooperative nest foundation, visitations, and/or usurpation events. So far there is no conclusive evidence to exclude or support any of these possibilities.