There is recognition in the field of emergency medicine (EM) that social determinants of health (SDoH) are key drivers of patient care outcomes. Leaders in EM are calling for curricula integrating SDoH assessment and intervention, public health, and multidisciplinary approaches to EM care throughout medical school and residency. This intersection of SDoH and the emergency care system is known as social emergency medicine (SEM). Currently, there are few resources available for EM training programs to integrate this content; as a result, few EM trainees receive adequate education in SEM. To address this gap, we developed a four-part training in SEM tailored to EM residency programs and medical schools. This curriculum, known as RISE-EM (Resident Instruction in Social Emergency Medicine), uses video lectures, case examples, and group discussions to engage trainees and develop competency in providing sound care that is grounded in evidence-based principles of SEM. In the current study, we tested RISE-EM by delivering the video lectures to residents and medical students in two training programs. We administered pre- and post-course knowledge tests and a post-course participant attitudes survey to assess the acceptability and potential efficacy of the program for improving SEM knowledge and attitudes among EM learners. We found it to be both feasible and acceptable to introduce SEM content in residency conferences, with preliminary data showing statistically significant improvement in knowledge of the content and self-efficacy to apply it to their clinical practice. In summary, RISE-EM has been highly valued by EM learners and viewed as a strong supplement to their existing training, and it has been shown to successfully improve SEM knowledge and attitudes.