A nonparametric test of group distributional differences for hierarchically-clustered functional data.
Alexander S LongBrian J ReichAna-Maria StaicuJohn MeitzenPublished in: Biometrics (2023)
Biological sex and gender are critical variables in biomedical research, but are complicated by the presence of sex-specific natural hormone cycles, such as the estrous cycle in female rodents, typically divided into phases. A common feature of these cycles are fluctuating hormone levels which induce sex differences in many behaviors controlled by the electrophysiology of neurons, such as neuronal membrane potential in response to electrical stimulus, typically summarized using a priori defined metrics. In this paper, we propose a method to test for differences in the electrophysiological properties across estrous cycle phase without first defining a metric of interest. We do this by modeling membrane potential data in the frequency domain as realizations of a bivariate process, also depending on the electrical stimulus, by adopting existing methods for longitudinal functional data. We are then able to extract the main features of the bivariate signals through a set of basis function coefficients. We use these coefficients for testing, adapting methods for multivariate data to account for an induced hierarchical structure that is a product of the experimental design. We illustrate the performance of the proposed approach in simulations and then apply the method to experimental data. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.