Acceptability of telehealth in post-stroke memory rehabilitation: A qualitative analysis.
David W LawsonRenerus J StolwykJennie Louise PonsfordKatharine S BakerJoanna TranDana WongPublished in: Neuropsychological rehabilitation (2020)
Despite evidence of the efficacy of telerehabilitation post-stroke, uptake has lagged behind the development of available technology, slowed by low confidence in user experience. We aimed to explore the issue of acceptability by characterizing the experience of telerehabilitation for service providers and consumers of a memory rehabilitation program. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine clinicians (Mage = 33.29; SD = 7.37; range 25-44) and 25 stroke survivors with memory difficulties (Mage = 54.12; SD = 10.99; range 36-82) following a 6-week compensatory memory skills program delivered via in-home videoconferencing. Thematic analysis identified a range of perspectives under three overarching themes: (1) Content and Delivery; (2) Relationship and Connection; and (3) The Role and Benefits of Telerehabilitation. Reports from both respondent groups were overwhelmingly positive about the telerehabilitation experience and identified the benefits of increasing service availability. Videoconferencing technology was usable and occasional reliability issues were not a barrier. Users identified a range of benefits and challenges regarding communication, rapport building, and integration of rehabilitation in the home environment. Furthermore, most stroke survivors reported benefit from the intervention, via the acquisition of memory strategies and improved self-confidence through better understanding of their deficits. Overall, telerehabilitation of memory was acceptable to users.