Human dissection for anesthesiology resident training augments anatomical knowledge and clinical skills.
Patrick MaffucciChang H ParkMo ShirurBenjamin HyersAdam I LevineDaniel KatzGarrett W BurnettJeffrey T LaitmanPublished in: Anatomical sciences education (2023)
Anatomy is an essential component of clinical anesthesiology. The use of simulated patients and alternative materials, including embalmed human bodies, have become increasingly common during resident physician training due to the deemphasis on anatomical education during undergraduate medical training. In this report, the need for a more extensive review of relevant anatomy for the practice of anesthesiology was addressed by the design, evaluation, and dissemination of a human dissection course for procedural training of anesthesiology residents. The course utilized "freedom art" embalmed human bodies that allowed trainees to perform ultrasound-based regional and neuraxial techniques followed by detailed dissections of critical anatomy. One hundred and four residents participated in workshops and small group discussions and were evaluated using pre- and post-course assessments. A variety of clinical techniques were performed on the bodies, including regional blocks and neuraxial catheter placement. Insertion of peripheral/neuraxial catheters was successful, with dissections demonstrating the expected placement. Assessment scores improved following the course (pre-course mean 52.7%, standard deviation (σ) 13.1%; post-course mean 72.2%, σ 11.6%; t-test p < 0.0001) and feedback highlighted the usefulness and clinical relevance of course content. The ability to correlate ultrasound imaging with subsequent dissections of the "blocked" area and visualization of dye staining was extremely relevant for spatial understanding of the anatomy relevant for the clinical practice of these techniques. This manuscript demonstrates successful implementation of a comprehensive course for anesthesiology resident physicians to address gaps in undergraduate anatomical education and suggests that broader adoption of dissection courses may be beneficial for training anesthesiologists.