- Claudiu T Supuran
- Christopher E Mason
- Elinor K Karlsson
- Zhong Lin Wang
- Kerstin Lindblad-Toh
- Andrea Ageli
- Mario Ventura
- Olivier Pourquie
- Nicola Segata
- Tamara A Potapova
- Aurélie Cobat
- Evan E Eichler
- Johannes Krause
- Jang-Keun Kim
- Douwe Van Sinderen
- James E Crowe
- Alessio Nocentini
- Sarah A Teichmann
- Alexandria B Boehm
- Fedor D Ryabov
- Eliah G Overbey
- Chiao-Wen Lin
- Gabriele Ciceri
- Francesca Turroni
- Cecilia Lindskog
- Nishigandha Phalke
- Tsong-Long Hwang
- Hiroshi Yamazaki
- Richard E Green
- Kourosh Saeb Parsy
- Yafei Mao
- Mikael Rydén
- Todd C McDevitt
- George Fu Gao
- Alex Aaron Pollen
- Luigi Daniele Notarangelo
- Benoit G Bruneau
- Johan Neyts
- Katherine S Pollard
- PloS one
- The Journal of biological chemistry
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
- Scientific reports
- Biochemical and biophysical research communications
- Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)
- International journal of molecular sciences
- Cancer research
- Nature
- Biochimica et biophysica acta
- Science (New York, N.Y.)
- Nature communications
- Nucleic acids research
- Journal of virology
- Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)
- Blood
- Genomics
- FEBS letters
- The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism
- The Journal of clinical investigation
- Biochemistry
- The Biochemical journal
- bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology
- Infection and immunity
- The Science of the total environment
- Journal of medicinal chemistry
- Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)
- Advances in experimental medicine and biology
- Frontiers in immunology
- Fertility and sterility
- Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
- Gene
- Oncogene
- Molecules (Basel, Switzerland)
- International journal of cancer
- Anticancer research
- Biochemical pharmacology
- The Journal of investigative dermatology
- Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters
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