The design and development of a complex multifactorial falls assessment intervention for falls prevention: The Prevention of Falls Injury Trial (PreFIT).
Julie BruceShvaita RalhanRay SheridanKatharine WestacottEmma WithersSusanne FinneganJohn DavisonFinbarr C MartinSarah E Lambnull nullnull nullPublished in: BMC geriatrics (2017)
This complex falls prevention intervention is currently being tested within the framework of a large clinical trial. This paper adheres to TIDieR and CONSORT recommendations for the comprehensive and explicit reporting of trial interventions. Results from the PreFIT study will be published in due course. The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the PreFIT MFFP intervention, compared to advice and exercise, on the prevention of falls and fractures, will be reported at the conclusion of the trial.