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Preparation of acute midbrain slices containing the superior colliculus and periaqueductal Gray for patch-clamp recordings.

Oriol Pavón ArocasTiago Branco
Published in: PloS one (2022)
This protocol is a practical guide for preparing acute coronal slices from the midbrain of young adult mice for electrophysiology experiments. It describes two different sets of solutions with their respective incubation strategies and two alternative procedures for brain extraction: decapitation under terminal isoflurane anaesthesia and intracardial perfusion with artificial cerebrospinal fluid under terminal isoflurane anaesthesia. Slices can be prepared from wild-type mice as well as from mice that have been genetically modified or transfected with viral constructs to label subsets of cells. The preparation can be used to investigate the electrophysiological properties of midbrain neurons in combination with pharmacology, opto- and chemogenetic manipulations, and calcium imaging; which can be followed by morphological reconstruction, immunohistochemistry, or single-cell transcriptomics. The protocol also provides a detailed list of materials and reagents including the design for a low-cost and easy to assemble 3D printed slice recovery chamber, general advice for troubleshooting common issues leading to suboptimal slice quality, and some suggestions to ensure good maintenance of a patch-clamp rig.