The Management of Biliary Disease in Patients with Severe Obesity Undergoing Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery-An International Expert Survey.
Mohammad KermansaraviScott ShikoraBruno DillemansMarina KurianTeresa LaMastersRamon VilallongaGerhard PragerSonja Chiappettanull nullPublished in: Obesity surgery (2024)
Concomitant cholecystectomy is preferred by the experts, although evidence in the literature reports an increased complication rate. Prophylactic UDCA should be recommended to every MBS patient, even though the current survey demonstrated that not all experts are recommending it. The preferred approach for treating common bile duct stones is a laparoscopic assisted transgastric ERCP after gastric bypass. The conflicting responses will need more scientific work and clarity in the future.