Uterine blood flow, fetal heart rate, gestational length, and fetal birth weight variability in response to maternal temperament in the goat.
Mohammed Ahmed ElmetwallyAlaa SamyAshraf EldesoukyYasser Y LenisWael EldomanyPublished in: Animal science journal = Nihon chikusan Gakkaiho (2021)
This prospective study was designed to investigate the effects of maternal temperament on uterine blood flow, fetal heart rate, gestational length, and fetal birth weight in a goat experimental model. Based on the arena test, behavioral testing related to fear-eliciting stimulus, goats were divided into nervous (n = 13) and calm (n = 11) groups. After mating, the perfusion of maternal uterine arteries (UTAs) and its related Doppler parameters, blood flow volume (BFV), time-averaged mean velocity (TAMEANV), acceleration (Acce), and resistance impedance (S/D), were evaluated biweekly from week two until the end of pregnancy. Fetal heart rate (FHR) was investigated during the pregnancy in addition to the gestation length (GL) and fetal birth weight (FBW). The UTA-BFV and TAMEANV, as well as Acce and S/D, were influenced by maternal temperament (p < .05). The FHR showed no significant changes between experimental animals of different temperaments (p = .81). Both GL and FBW were increased in calm rather than nervous goats (p < .05). These results indicated that the maternal nervous (temperament) have negative impacts on uterine artery Doppler indices, fetal growth, and gestational length in a goat experimental model.