Evaluation of Ligand-Inducible Expression Systems for Conditional Neuronal Manipulations of Sleep in Drosophila.
Qiuling LiNicholas StavropoulosPublished in: G3 (Bethesda, Md.) (2016)
Drosophila melanogaster is a powerful model organism for dissecting the molecular mechanisms that regulate sleep, and numerous studies in the fly have identified genes that impact sleep-wake cycles. Conditional genetic analysis is essential to distinguish the mechanisms by which these genes impact sleep: some genes might exert their effects developmentally, for instance by directing the assembly of neuronal circuits that regulate sleep; other genes may regulate sleep in adulthood; and yet other genes might influence sleep by both developmental and adult mechanisms. Here we have assessed two ligand-inducible expression systems, Geneswitch and the Q-system, for conditional and neuronally restricted manipulations of sleep in Drosophila While adult-specific induction of a neuronally expressed Geneswitch transgene (elav-GS) is compatible with studies of sleep as shown previously, developmental induction of elav-GS strongly and nonspecifically perturbs sleep in adults. The alterations of sleep in elav-GS animals occur at low doses of Geneswitch agonist and in the presence of transgenes unrelated to sleep, such as UAS-CD8-GFP Furthermore, developmental elav-GS induction is toxic and reduces brood size, indicating multiple adverse effects of neuronal Geneswitch activation. In contrast, the transgenes and ligand of the Q-system do not significantly impact sleep-wake cycles when used for constitutive, developmental, or adult-specific neuronal induction. The nonspecific effects of developmental elav-GS activation on sleep indicate that such manipulations require cautious interpretation, and suggest that the Q-system or other strategies may be more suitable for conditional genetic analysis of sleep and other behaviors in Drosophila.