LC-MS Based Metabolomics Analysis of Potato ( Solanum tuberosum L.) Cultivars Irrigated with Quicklime Treated Acid Mine Drainage Water.
Rabelani MunyaiMaropeng Vellry RaletsenaDavid Mxolisi ModisePublished in: Metabolites (2022)
In water-scarce areas, the reuse of (un)treated acid mine drainage (AMD) water for crop irrigation has become a requirement, but it also carries a wide range of contaminants that can elicit the synthesis of diverse metabolites necessary for the survival of the plants. There is still a paucity of studies on the impact of quicklime treated-AMD water on the metabolite synthesis of potatoes. This study examined the effect of the irrigation of two potato cultivars (Marykies and Royal cultivars) with quicklime-treated AMD water on their metabolite profiles. A greenhouse study was conducted with five experimental treatments with different solution ratios, replicated three times in a completely randomized design. A total of 40 and 36 metabolites from Marykies and Royal cultivars which include amino acids, organic acids, and aromatic amines were identified, respectively. The results revealed elevation in the abundance of metabolites under the irrigation with treated AMD water for both cultivars with subtle variations. This will provide information on the primary metabolite shifst in potato that enhance their survival and growth under AMD conditions. However, more specific data on toxicity due to AMD irrigation would be required for a refined risk assessment.