Awareness of and receptivity to FDA's point-of-sale tobacco public education campaign.
Lauren McCarl DutraMatthew C FarrellyBrian BradfieldDebra MekosChaunetta JonesTesfa AlexanderPublished in: PloS one (2023)
The purpose of the study was to assess awareness of and receptivity to FDA's point-of-sale (POS) tobacco public education campaign for adult cigarette smokers called Every Try Counts; it was the first multi-county POS campaign in the U.S. The design was a county-level treatment-control three-wave longitudinal design. The setting was 15 treatment and 15 control counties. Subjects were smokers ages 25 to 54 (N = 3,628). 4,145 individuals screened in as eligible; 3,628 (87.5% response rate) completed the Wave 1 questionnaire (Wave 2: n = 2,812; Wave 3: n = 2,571; retention 70.9%). Measures were self-reported brand and ad awareness (saw any ad a few times or more) and receptivity (5-item perceived effectiveness scale). The analysis included descriptive analyses of receptivity; bivariate analyses of awareness by treatment group; and covariate- and time-adjusted logistic regression models to determine changes in awareness attributable to the campaign. Receptivity was moderate and differed significantly by race/ethnicity. As was the case for all waves, at wave 3, ad awareness was significantly higher in treatment (53.3%) than control counties (36.1%, p < .05). In regression models, brand (OR = 1.53, 95% CI: 1.26-1.86) and ad (OR = 1.74, 95% CI: 1.39-2.16) awareness were significantly higher in treatment than control counties. Every Try Counts generated a moderate level of receptivity and attention from cigarette smokers. Limitations include self-reports of campaign awareness and generalizability to a small number of U.S. counties.