Perceived coaches' health promotion activity, maintenance of participation in sports, and lifestyle habits among emerging adults: a four-year follow-up study.
Katja Rinta-AntilaPasi KoskiTuula AiraOlli Juhani HeinonenRaija KorpelainenJari ParkkariKai SavonenKerttu ToivoArja UusitaloMaarit ValtonenTommi VasankariJari VillbergSami Petteri KokkoPublished in: Annals of medicine (2024)
Perceiving coaches' health promotion activity as frequent was related to maintained participation in organized sports among males. Maintainers were more likely to have more healthy lifestyle habits than nonparticipants and dropouts. There is a need to invest in coaches' health promotion activity when it is infrequent. A more detailed understanding is needed of coaches' health promotion activity that supports both maintained participation in sports, especially among females, and healthy lifestyle habits in emerging adulthood.