Cellular traction forces are contractile forces that depend on the material/substrate stiffness and play essential roles in sensing mechanical environments and regulating cell morphology and function. Traction forces are primarily generated by the actin cytoskeleton and transmitted to the substrate through focal adhesions. The cell nucleus is also believed to be involved in the regulation of this type of force; however, the role of the nucleus in cellular traction forces remains unclear. In this study, we explored the effects of nucleus-actin filament coupling on cellular traction forces in human dermal fibroblasts cultured on substrates with varying stiffness (5, 15, and 48 kPa). To investigate these effects, we transfected the cells with a dominant-negative Klarsicht/ANC-1/Syne homology (DN-KASH) protein that was designed to displace endogenous linker proteins and disrupt nucleus-actin cytoskeleton connections. The force that exists between the cytoskeleton and the nucleus (nuclear tension) was also evaluated with a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based tension sensor. We observed a biphasic change in cellular traction forces with a peak at 15 kPa, regardless of DN-KASH expression, that was inversely correlated with the nuclear tension. In addition, the relative magnitude and distribution of traction forces in nontreated wild-type cells were similar across different stiffness conditions, while DN-KASH-transfected cells exhibited a different distribution pattern that was impacted by the substrate stiffness. These results suggest that the nucleus-actin filament coupling play a homeostatic role by maintaining the relative magnitude of cellular traction forces in fibroblasts under different stiffness conditions.