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Monocyte-driven atypical cytokine storm and aberrant neutrophil activation as key mediators of COVID-19 disease severity.

Lore VanderbekeP Van MolY Van HerckFrederik De SmetS Humblet-BaronKimberly MartinodA AntoranzIngrid ArijsB BoeckxF M BosisioM CasaerDieter Frans DauweW De WeverC DoomsErwin DreesenAnnelies EmmaneelJ FiltjensM GouwyJan GunstG HermansSander JansenK LagrouAdrian ListonN LorentP MeerssemanToine MercierJohan NeytsJ OdentD PanovskaP A PenttilaE PolletMieke GouwyJunbin QianKatrien L A QuintelierJeroen RaesS RexYvan SaeysJ SprootenS TejparD TestelmansKarin ThevissenT Van BuytenJessica VandenhauteSofie Van GassenL C Velásquez PereiraRobin VosB WeynandA WilmerJ YserbytAbhishek Dinkarnath GargPatrick MatthysC WoutersDiether LambrechtsEls WautersJ Wauters
Published in: Nature communications (2021)
Epidemiological and clinical reports indicate that SARS-CoV-2 virulence hinges upon the triggering of an aberrant host immune response, more so than on direct virus-induced cellular damage. To elucidate the immunopathology underlying COVID-19 severity, we perform cytokine and multiplex immune profiling in COVID-19 patients. We show that hypercytokinemia in COVID-19 differs from the interferon-gamma-driven cytokine storm in macrophage activation syndrome, and is more pronounced in critical versus mild-moderate COVID-19. Systems modelling of cytokine levels paired with deep-immune profiling shows that classical monocytes drive this hyper-inflammatory phenotype and that a reduction in T-lymphocytes correlates with disease severity, with CD8+ cells being disproportionately affected. Antigen presenting machinery expression is also reduced in critical disease. Furthermore, we report that neutrophils contribute to disease severity and local tissue damage by amplification of hypercytokinemia and the formation of neutrophil extracellular traps. Together our findings suggest a myeloid-driven immunopathology, in which hyperactivated neutrophils and an ineffective adaptive immune system act as mediators of COVID-19 disease severity.