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Quantifying the relative immune cell activation from whole tissue/organ-derived differentially expressed gene data.

Edward WijayaYoshinobu IgarashiNoriyuki NakatsuYasunari HasedaJoel BillaudYi-An ChenKenji MizuguchiHiroshi YamadaKen J IshiiTaiki Aoshi
Published in: Scientific reports (2017)
Evaluation of immune responses in individual immune cell types is important for the development of new medicines. Here, we propose a computational method designated ICEPOP (Immune CEll POPulation) to estimate individual immune cell type responses from bulk tissue and organ samples. The relative gene responses are scored for each cell type by using the data from differentially expressed genes derived from control- vs drug-treated sample pairs, and the data from public databases including ImmGen and IRIS, which contain gene expression profiles of a variety of immune cells. By ICEPOP, we analysed cell responses induced by vaccine-adjuvants in the mouse spleen, and extended the analyses to human peripheral blood mononuclear cells and gut biopsy samples focusing on human papilloma virus vaccination and inflammatory bowel disease treatment with Infliximab. In both mouse and human datasets, our method reliably quantified the responding immune cell types and provided insightful information, demonstrating that our method is useful to evaluate immune responses from bulk sample-derived gene expression data. ICEPOP is available as an interactive web site ( https://vdynamics.shinyapps.io/icepop/ ) and Python package ( https://github.com/ewijaya/icepop ).