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Matched comparison of decellularized homografts and bovine jugular vein conduits for pulmonary valve replacement in congenital heart disease.

Dmitry BobylevAlexander HorkeMurat AvsarTomislav CvitkovicDietmar BoethigMark HazekampBart MeynsFilip RegaHitendu DaveMartin SchmiadyAnatol CiubotaruEduard CheptanaruVladimiro VidaMassimo PadalinoVictor TsangRamadan JashariGünther LauferMartin AndreasAlexandra AndreevaIgor TudoracheSerghei CebotariAxel HaverichSamir Sarikouch
Published in: Cell and tissue banking (2023)
For decades, bovine jugular vein conduits (BJV) and classic cryopreserved homografts have been the two most widely used options for pulmonary valve replacement (PVR) in congenital heart disease. More recently, decellularized pulmonary homografts (DPH) have provided an alternative avenue for PVR. Matched comparison of patients who received DPH for PVR with patients who received bovine jugular vein conduits (BJV) considering patient age group, type of heart defect, and previous procedures. 319 DPH patients were matched to 319 BJV patients; the mean age of BJV patients was 15.3 (SD 9.5) years versus 19.1 (12.4) years in DPH patients (p = 0.001). The mean conduit diameter was 24.5 (3.5) mm for DPH and 20.3 (2.5) mm for BJV (p < 0.001). There was no difference in survival rates between the two groups after 10 years (97.0 vs. 98.1%, p = 0.45). The rate of freedom from endocarditis was significantly lower for BJV patients (87.1 vs. 96.5%, p = 0.006). Freedom from explantation was significantly lower for BJV at 10 years (81.7 vs. 95.5%, p = 0.001) as well as freedom from any significant degeneration at 10 years (39.6 vs. 65.4%, p < 0.001). 140 Patients, matched for age, heart defect type, prior procedures, and conduit sizes of 20-22 mm (± 2 mm), were compared separately; mean age BJV 8.7 (4.9) and DPH 9.5 (7.3) years (p = n.s.). DPH showed 20% higher freedom from explantation and degeneration in this subgroup (p = 0.232). Decellularized pulmonary homografts exhibit superior 10-year results to bovine jugular vein conduits in PVR.