Food insecurity is an established barrier to antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence among people living with HIV (LWHIV). While insufficient access to food reliably impedes medication adherence, the link between food insecurity and ART nonadherence has not been fully explained. In addition, depression is reliably associated with both food insecurity and ART nonadherence, but again the link between food insecurity and depression is not understood. A potential explanatory mechanism in the associations among food insecurity, depression and ART nonadherence is the experience of food insecurity stigma (FI-stigma). The current study tested FI-stigma in relation to depression as explanatory mechanisms in the association between food insecurity and ART nonadherence. Men and women ( n = 495) LWHIV in the southeastern United States completed confidential surveys that included measures of food insecurity, FI-stigma, depression, and ART adherence. Results from the serial mediation model indicated significant direct effects of food insecurity and depression on ART adherence. In addition, food insecurity was indirectly associated with ART adherence through FI-stigma and depression symptoms. Results suggest that the stigmatization of food insecurity predicts increased depression which in turn predicts ART nonadherence, with both FI-stigma and depression symptoms partially mediating the relationship between food insecurity and ART nonadherence. Interventions aimed to reduce food insecurity should include it's associated stigma to improve treatment adherence among people LWHIV.