Vigor among health-care professionals at the workplace: the role of intra- and inter-personal resources.
Hamama-Raz YairaMenachem Ben-EzraHaim BibiMuhareb SwarkaRenana GelernterIbrahim Abu-KishkPublished in: Psychology, health & medicine (2022)
Feeling vigorous throughout the workday in a medical facility despite exposure to daily job-related stress is essential for productive work-related behavior and for the subjective well-being of health-care professionals. The current study explored the contribution of an intra-personal resource (i.e. coping flexibility) and an inter-personal resource (i.e. social support) to the explained variance of vigor among nurses and physicians. Two hundred two hospital personnel completed self-report questionnaires regarding personal and professional data, vigor, coping flexibility and social support. The results revealed that the intra-personal resource coping flexibility, was positively associated with vigor while the inter-personal resource social support was not found to be associated with vigor. In addition, older age and higher self-rated health positively associated with feeling vigor. The current study shed light on the role of intra-personal resources in feeling vigorous throughout stressful workdays that characterize the workplace of hospital personnel. Tailoring interventions that may enhance coping flexibility among hospital personnel can increase their vigor which in turn may beneficially contribute to their job performance.