Factors interfering with parenthood decision-making in an Italian sample of people with multiple sclerosis: an exploratory online survey.
Luigi LavorgnaS EspositoR LanzilloM SparacoD IppolitoE CoccoG FenuG BorrielloS De MercantiJ FrauR CapuanoF TrojsiL RosaM ClericoA LaroniV Brescia MorraG TedeschiS BonavitaPublished in: Journal of neurology (2019)
MS diagnosis impacted dramatically on the life project of 7% of pwMS that decided not to have children because of the disease and in pro-parenthood pwMS impacted especially on having the second child. Only a minority was counseled to plan pregnancy. A worse disease course driving to a progressive phenotype at survey time might have negatively impacted on parenthood desire.