Presentation and Outcome in S1P-RM and Natalizumab-Associated Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy: A Multicenter Cohort Study.

Julie C BlantNicola N De RossiRalf GoldAude MauroussetMarkus KraemerLucía Romero-PinelTatsuro MisuJean-Christophe OualletMaud Pallix GuyotSimonetta GereviniChristos BakirtzisRaquel Piñar MoralesBenjamin VladPanajotis KarypidisXavier MoissetTobias J DerfussIlijas JelcicGuillaume Martin-BlondelIlya AyzenbergCorey McgrawDavid-Axel LaplaudRenaud A Du PasquierRenaud A Du Pasquiernull null
Published in: Neurology(R) neuroimmunology & neuroinflammation (2024)
S1P-RM-associated PML shows reduced IRIS risk but higher post-treatment MS activity. Clinicians should tailor post-PML treatment based on pre-PML medication.