The extracellular matrix in microenvironments harbors a variety of signals to control cellular functions and the materiality of tissues. Most efforts to synthetically reconstitute the matrix by biomaterial design have focused on decoupling cell-secreted and polymer-based cues. Cells package molecules into nanoscale lipid membrane-bound extracellular vesicles and secrete them. Thus, extracellular vesicles inherently interact with the meshwork of the extracellular matrix. In this Review, we discuss various aspects of extracellular vesicle-matrix interactions. Cells receive feedback from the extracellular matrix and leverage intracellular processes to control the biogenesis of extracellular vesicles. Once secreted, various biomolecular and biophysical factors determine whether extracellular vesicles are locally incorporated into the matrix or transported out of the matrix to be taken up by other cells or deposited into tissues at a distal location. These insights can be utilized to develop engineered biomaterials where EV release and retention can be precisely controlled in host tissue to elicit various biological and therapeutic outcomes.