Boundary Effects Cause False Signals of Range Expansions in Population Genomic Data.

Petri KemppainenRhiannon SchembriPaolo Momigliano
Published in: Molecular biology and evolution (2024)
Studying range expansions is central for understanding genetic variation through space and time as well as for identifying refugia and biological invasions. Range expansions are characterized by serial founder events causing clines of decreasing genetic diversity away from the center of origin and asymmetries in the two-dimensional allele frequency spectra. These asymmetries, summarized by the directionality index (ψ), are sensitive to range expansions and persist for longer than clines in genetic diversity. In continuous and finite meta-populations, genetic drift tends to be stronger at the edges of the species distribution in equilibrium populations and populations undergoing range expansions alike. Such boundary effects are expected to affect geographic patterns in genetic diversity and ψ. Here we demonstrate that boundary effects cause high false positive rates in equilibrium meta-populations when testing for range expansions. In the simulations, the absolute value of ψ (|ψ|) in equilibrium data sets was proportional to the fixation index (FST). By fitting signatures of range expansions as a function of ɛ |ψ|/FST and geographic clines in ψ, strong evidence for range expansions could be detected in data from a recent rapid invasion of the cane toad, Rhinella marina, in Australia, but not in 28 previously published empirical data sets from Australian scincid lizards that were significant for the standard range expansion tests. Thus, while clinal variation in ψ is still the most sensitive statistic to range expansions, to detect true signatures of range expansions in natural populations, its magnitude needs to be considered in relation to the overall levels of genetic structuring in the data.