An examination of eating misalignment: The discrepancy between preferred and actual timing of food intake.
Allison C VerondaLeah A IrishPublished in: Chronobiology international (2020)
Both internal (e.g., preferences) and external (e.g., social) factors guide chrononutrition (i.e., the timing of food intake), but the nature and variability of chrononutrition preferences (i.e., preferred timing of food intake) have not been empirically evaluated. The present study aimed to characterize the variability and range of chrononutrition preferences and to evaluate the extent of eating misalignment, defined as the discrepancy between chrononutrition preferences and chrononutrition behaviors. 192 undergraduate students aged 18 to 31 years self-enrolled in an online questionnaire study. Participants provided demographic information and completed the Chrononutrition Profile - Questionnaire to evaluate chrononutrition preferences, chrononutrition behaviors, and eating misalignment. Results indicated high inter-individual variability in chrononutrition preferences and eating misalignment, with extreme cases of eating misalignment across all chrononutrition facets. This study is the first to confirm that when individuals want to eat may differ from when they actually eat. With additional research, these constructs may be meaningful to consider, together with other aspects of chrononutrition, in the development of future chrononutrition-based intervention efforts.